Makhduma Nargis
Present Chairman (2021)
Executive Committee, Eminence
With great pleasure, I have enthusiastically accepted the offer of becoming the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Eminence. As a friend of Eminence, I am looking forward to participating in the efforts that have been taking for the past years. Both nationally and internationally, Eminence has already acquired much appreciation and reputation for its contribution to the social development sphere.
My perspective of working with such an organization is very clear in terms of activities and programs that support the communities and people’s life directly. Bangladesh is a country full of potentials and opportunities to be worked out. For this to be possible we need the collaboration of the Government, Civil Society Networks, and Non-government Organizations. From the responsibility as the Founding Chairman of Eminence my foremost concern is to strengthen our national and global partnerships, so that our activity can spread as widely as possible to work on the most needed and deprived areas of society and thus make the society sound and healthy. I believe, we, as an organization, dare to create such a flourished and healthy social lifestyle that can become an example for many other organizations. Since its inception, This organization has shown great promise and commitment to our society. I believe, together with it’s great team, we would be able to exhibit dedication and knowledge in the development sector, particularly for health and social development in the coming years. As the current Chairman of the Executive Committee of Eminence, I look forward to having your kind support and assistance to reach this goal. The adornment of the position of chairman is proportionate to the success of the organization in terms of enhancing people’s lives.