Advocacy is a fundamental underpinning of social work. The central place of advocacy in social work practice makes it in many senses a unifying aspect of the profession. By mobilizing our networks and participating in key national and international advocacy events we reach the decision-makers directly. Securing a policy environment favorable to overall development, especially of poor people, is a key aspect of Eminence’s vision: “To be an international think tank working for equity and justice.” As one of the leading advocates in the field of public health and social development, Eminence is engaged in regular dialogues with the government and other national institutions. Eminence is active in the advocacy work, using all available media to communicate on behalf of the client and their cause to improve the society. It finds ways to balance the responsibilities of the profession and its code of ethics, norms, and standards together with a primary commitment to the clients and communities being served. In advocating for clients and communities, we are respectful of the power and potential of individuals and groups to make their voices heard and their needs are known.