In the context of the average lifestyle quality in Bangladesh, the Water & Sanitation sector stands as a very crucial area of concern. In the modern world, both urban and rural areas, water and sanitation system has a great impact on various aspects of people’s life. Therefore, it has become an important thematic area of Eminence. As a development organization Eminence wants to contribute to this field to enhance the quality of lifestyle to a greater state.
In the “National Strategy for Water Supply and Sanitation 2014,” it is stated that, globally, around 1 billion people lack access to safe water and 2.4 billion people lack access to improved sanitation. Bangladesh, with a population of 150 million has made significant progress towards providing water supply and sanitation in the last two decades. According to the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) (WHO/UNICEF, 2014), 85% of people have access to safe water and 57% of people use hygienic sanitation facilities.
According to WHO/UNICEF (2019) Progress on household drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene 2000-2017, 4.9 million people in Bangladesh still do not have clean water close to home, one in two people in urban areas use contaminated water, and 85.6 million people in Bangladesh – one in two – do not have a decent toilet of their own.
As a Social development organization Eminence wants to contribute to this field by working both in the rural and local communities for improving water and sanitation management to enhance the quality of lifestyle to a greater state.