Best Place for Young Leaders​
We are one of the strongest emerging groups for young leaders. We provide experience, opportunity for growth, and many leadership roles. Youth employees bring a separate, but valuable skill set to a company. They offer fresh perspectives, invigorate and challenge old ways, and offer a dialogue between different generations to be opened and understood. From 2003 to 2020, Eminence has hired more than 1000 team members. More than 90% of staff at Eminence note that this is their first working experience. Past members now work in many different organizations in Bangladesh and around the world, as well as in government jobs with great success.
Running Civil Society Networks For Leadership at the National Level
Eminence of Bangladesh has initiated several civil society networks successfully, such as Bangladesh noncommunicable diseases forum, Bangladesh Civil Society Network for Promoting Nutrition, Bangladesh Urban Health Network, etc. Among these networks, Eminence does national level advocacy work for policy development and translation policy into action. At the global level, Eminence serves a leadership role for network development and network structure building. For example, the global NCD alliance began in 2010, however Eminence started our Bangladesh NCD forum in 2008. We are pioneers of the global NCD alliance. Eminence also voluntarily started to establish a national level global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement. We also played a secretarial role until civil society engaged in it fully.
President of ISUH
Eminence began engaging with the International Society of Urban Health (ISUH) in 2008, and initiated Bangladesh Urban Health Network in 2009. This contribution provided a strong leadership role for us in developing and establishing Bangladesh’s urban health network. We have regularly contributed to the ISUH development, and began cultivating a global community in regards to urban health. In 2014, the president elect of ISUH was our CEO, and from 2015-2017 was the president of the ISUH.
Global Leadership Programs
Young team members engage in multiple global leadership programs, training, and roles. The young team members of Emiemence work in various networks as executive members and even vice president. When Eminence were members in these global groups they contributed significantly by taking new initiatives, and creating innovative ideas.
Opportunity to Lead at National and Global Level
Eminence has identified many public health, nutrition, education, environmental problems in Bangladesh and has shown policy makers these issues to take necessary steps in resolving, creating, and changing the policies. These local problems and solutions can be applied on a global level, which is another task we specialize in at Eminence for Bangladesh. Eminence is leading the Community Best Solutions Group of ISUH by collecting local knowledge and solutions then transforming such into global level action.