Global Citizens Forum on Sustainable Development (GCFSD) is an open forum for Global civil societies to access an informed network of knowledge resources. It exists for people to engage with the challenges in building a sustainable future for all. The Forum seeks to promote the voice of civil society in creating viable and achievable indicators for monitoring the progress of the sustainable development goals. Moreover, GCFSD seeks to empower civil society to promote accountability and action among stakeholders and governing bodies. The goal of the forum is to create a space for promoting and supporting innovative action and productive collaboration to realize sustainable development goals all over the world.
Global Citizens Forum has been successful in developing a network of partners in various sustainable development disciplines in Bangladesh and around the world. To date, 26 partners have joined the Forum. The partnering agencies include bilateral and multilateral stakeholders. Global Citizens Forum on Sustainable Development has been active in organizing summits for sustainable development and other outreach activities for promoting a sustainable global future.
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