Bangladesh Independent Food Systems Dialogue

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Bangladesh Independent Food Systems Dialogue

We are very excited and pleased to announce that Eminence Associates for Social Development and Bangladesh Civil Society Network for Promoting Nutrition (BCSNPN) are jointly going to convene the “Bangladesh Independent Food Systems Dialogue” on 24th August 2021 from 10:00 to 20:30 BST.
There will be five discussions on five different topics:
1. How Can We Ensure the Access to Safe and Nutritious Food for All?
2. The Role of Women and Young People for Shifting the Diet Consumption Patterns towards Healthy and Sustainable Diets.
3. Natural Food Production in Twenty-first Century: Obstacles and Opportunities.
4. The Challenges and Chances for Decent Livelihood of the Farmers and Other Food Labors in Bangladesh.
5. Peoples’ Engagement for Tackling Vulnerabilities, Shocks, and Stress to Make the Food System Resilient.
We want to come up with effective recommendations on peoples’ access to good nutrition, shifting diet for health and sustainability, natural positive food production, decent livelihood for food production workers, and resilient food systems in Bangladesh. On the basis of the recommendations, the agendas will be discussed at UN Food Systems Summit 2021.

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